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Top Things To Consider When Moving To A New Warehouse

The most important aspect of moving to a new warehouse is planning. Below are the top items to consider when moving to a new warehouse.

Size of the new warehouse

Start by creating a new layout of the warehouse. With this layout, you will be able to determine if you need less or more racking in your new warehouse. The layout should also include internal and external circulation alleys.

Define the moving strategy

The moving strategy is to concentrate the moving on a few days ideally when the warehouse is off and 100% of the active SKUs are available.

Evaluate the time for transportation

Evaluate how much time you will need to complete the move operation. This includes items such as inventory and pallet rack installations.

Supply planning and inventory control

Organize anticipated deliveries with customers if needed before the start of the move. Reroute previously planned orders to other sites if necessary.

Communicate and report

Inform the below stakeholders of the anticipated move:

  • Suppliers
  • Customers 
  • Internal financial departments