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Advantages & Disadvantages of Narrow-Aisle Pallet Racking


The narrow-aisle pallet racking has the same configuration as the conventional pallet racking although it utilizes special equipment to handle pallets in narrow aisles. It makes optimum use if the floor area and elevation while allowing for access to all pallets. It is commonly used when land cost is high or running expenses are high such as in controlled warehouse environments (e.g. temperature, humidity, etc.). This type of racking requires special training in order to operate the equipment safely and minimize material handling damage.

Advantages of Narrow-Aisle Pallet Racking

  • Makes optimum use of floor space and elevation. Up to 50% more inventory storage in the same space.
  • Allows for 100% access to all pallets
  • Works well for uniform products with similar sizes and shapes

Disadvantages of Narrow-Aisle Racking

  • Requires special material handling equipment and training due to narrow aisles
  • Potential for increased damages to racks and pallets during handling and storage
  • Not suitable for irregular shaped or oversized products

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